Stewart’s Story
Stewart’s Gift is more than just a name, it is a portion of my heart.

My grandparents, Travis and Elizabeth Stewart, were more than family, they were my best friends. Admittedly, I am close to my entire family, but there was a special place in my heart for grandma and grandpa. Education was clearly stated by them as an important part of life. I remember fondly my grandfather and me talking about biology and how we remembered all the goofy scientific names of species! My grandmother was a lifelong learner studying her bible and current events while teaching others her knowledge along the way. When I wanted to go to college my grandmother told me grandpa (before he passed away) set up an education fund.
My educational journey has been a gift from the Stewarts.
As a counselor I am here to serve my clients each and every day just as Christ serves His people. The name Stewart is derived from the word steward or servant. It is with tremendous joy and honor that I am able to use the gift my grandparents, the Stewarts, gave to me to be a steward to countless others.
The Stewart’s gift is a gift that keeps on giving.
1 Peter 4:10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.