Thank you for stopping by. Take some time to get comfortable and explore the content of Stewart’s Gift Counseling: mental health resources, blogs, and services. If you live in Dallas, Plano, Frisco, McKinney, or surrounding North Texas cities I am honored to offer Christian counseling services to you. I specialize in complex trauma therapy for women and teen girls. 50-60% of all women will experience at least one trauma in their lifetime. Experiencing a traumatic event, whether it is a natural disaster, abuse, or sexual assault, your mind and body will store the trauma. Trauma impacts functioning.
- Have you been impacted by trauma?
- Are you overwhelmed and not sure what to do?
- Are you tired of battling your thoughts and emotions?
- Are you experiencing anxiety or depression?
- Do you have undesirable behaviors?
- Are you angry with God?
- Do you feel hopeless?
- Do you simply need someone to hear your story?
I am honored to come along side each woman and teen I counsel to walk the road to healing. I have created a safe environment that feels comfortable for you to talk about the most difficult topics of your personal narrative.
I am passionate about your healing.
I am committed to seeing you overcome trauma.
Psalm 107:13-16 “Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble. And He saved them from their suffering. He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death. And He broke their chains. Let them give thanks to the Lord for His loving-kindness and His great works to the children of men! For He has broken gates of brass and cut through walls of iron.”
It is with awe I get a front row seat to the wondrous love and power of God in the presence of your healing. I pray diligently for your life to be joyous and prosperous, regardless of any form of trauma you have experienced. You may be upset with God and not fully on board with His goodness. I understand that, and so does God. He knows your broken path; He loves you anyway!
I believe you can change. I believe you can grow. I believe you are powerful. I believe you are capable. I believe you are worthy. I believe you are invaluable. I believe in you.
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- Phone(972) 665-6214
- Address18383 Preston Road, Suite 360
Dallas, TX 75252